Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Finally Cut My Hair!

Yeah I Know I’ve Been Making A Big Fuss Out Of This And I Finally Got My Hair Cut! It’s Actually Really Pretty And Much More Easy To Do! I Was So Exited About My New Hair That I Setted Them As Soon As I Woke Up And I’m Not Even Going Anywhere!  =P Well To Make A Long Story Short I <3 It!  Oh And P.S: I Downloaded Windows Writer To Write On My Blog Much More Easily! And Now I Just Have To Click On Windows And My Blog Pops Up! How Cool? I’m Posting Like That Right Now! =D Well Goodbye For Now! And If I Can’t Write On My Blog Tommorow Well Happy Mother’s Day! And If Your Not A Mom How About You Help Your Mom And Make Her Breakfast In Bed ! =P But Don’t Litterally Make Her Breakfest IN Her Bed But You Get The Point Right? LOL


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